Wellness Team Blog

The Wellness Team System Blog will be adding new information as we continue to develop information to help our team.

Check our our latest updates!

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Start building the brand of YOU if you want to attract a team, tribe, followers, etc. into your business. People may love the company and the products, but they build a business because you are the leader.

Continue reading "Build_the_Brand_of_YOU"

Target Market

Elite Wallet

Knowing who your target market is gives you reason to create posts that speak to them. Since people follow leaders, they want to know you and engage with you on social media.

Continue reading "Target Market"

Preferred Customer Monthly Shopping

Melaleuca Shopping Lists

Preferred Customer Monthly Shopping at the Wellness Company Shopping Club offers lots of perks like lower prices, free products, and use of the marketplace for more free products.

Continue reading "Preferred Customer Monthly Shopping"

Strategy for Growing a Business

Meet New People

Strategy for getting started and for growing a business are similar. To start with, watch or listen to a strategy session on what to do first and what to do to continue.

Continue reading "Strategy for Growing a Business"

Appointments and Overviews

Melaleuca Enrollment Center

The first step to getting a person the information about Melaleuca is to set an appointment so they can see an overview. Melaleuca is a people company so we help people understand instead of just giving them a link and say, "Go shop".

Continue reading "Appointments and Overviews"

Shopping Ideas

Melaleuca New Customer Value Pack

Shopping ideas for your first order will be one of two types of purchases, a New Member Savings Pack or some special items you really want to try first.

Continue reading "Shopping Ideas"

Wellness Team System

Melaleuca Scenery 1

The wellness team system is for those working to earn a thank you check each month by helping people reach their goals.

Continue reading "Wellness Team System"

 Before You Begin . . .

Since this page is for Melaleuca, The Wellness Company, customers only, log into your Melaleuca.com website before you begin.  Most of the links will only work if you are logged into your Melaleuca account. 

If you do not have a Melaleuca account, you can request the information by putting your contact information below or contact whoever gave you this web information.  If you ended up here by accident, click on this link and make your request.

Preferred customers who shop monthly will find this site to be something new.  We are working hard to provide you with information that will be helpful.  Please let your enroller in Melaleuca know what else would be helpful.

Haven't shopped for a while?  No problem.  You are most likely a regular Melaleuca customer and all you need to do is log in to Melaleuca.com.  If you have forgotten your password, simply click on "Forgot Password" and create a new one.  You can activate your preferred customer account, shop as a regular customer and pay retail, or just look at the website.