Help for Your Business is Real
Leadership and Education

Meet Donna Schwartz and other leaders at Melaleuca, the Wellness Company.

Schwartz, Donna 2021

Why does this website exist?

When one starts a business there is so much to know. Often people just want to make money quickly so they go stumbling into bombarding people with their products and/or services without learning some basic skills.  

So, I created this page to help customers and business builders learn, not just some basic skills,  but how to truly help people.  Melaleuca's mission remember is "To Enhance the Lives of Those We Touch by Helping People Reach Their Goals".

Meet Sandie & Lyle Siemens

Melaleuca Leaders Sandie and Lyle

Sandie has been with melaleuca 20 years and not only retired herself from teaching, but retired Lyle for engineering.

Sandie has built a team of thousands of people, but has also maintained her family as her number one priority.

Picture Siemens Family
Melaleuca Convention Sandie & Donna

Donna Schwartz's Story

Like you, I am someone who wears many hats. Mother, grandma, friend, teacher, leader, and entrepreneur, just to name a few of them. I’ve experienced the many ups and downs that life tends to throw our way, both the thrill of success and the pain of failure. Though the road was hard at times, looking back on it, I wouldn’t have traded those experiences for anything. They made me who I am today, and those experiences inspired me in reaching out and helping others navigate the hurdles of the entrepreneur's life. I don’t want anyone to feel alone when dealing with the struggles that I had to go through. That’s why I started my business, because I want to provide you with the resources and skills you need to set up internet marketing and help you reach your goals. It is also why I started an entrepreneur academy for children, teens, and young adults, to help develop these skills early in our next generation.

I grew up in California, graduating from UC Santa Barbara with a major in physical and health education. After 29 years as a public school teacher, I quit teaching to follow my passion in business and entrepreneurship. My road began when I started an Industrial Safety Products and Fire Extinguisher business, which I ran for eight years. The school of hard knocks was certainly tough, but I began to feel more alive as I discovered the thrill of running my own business.

Then I went down the rabbit hole of multi-level marketing with a telecommunications business that I struggled with for ten years. That was a painful lesson. I’ll admit, I “drank the Kool-aid”. I went to all of the conventions, called everyone I had ever known, and committed everything I had to that business…and I was rewarded with barely reaching a middle position in the company. I was giving presentations like I was making lots of money but felt out of sync with my own sense of integrity. As time went on, I watched the team I had worked tirelessly to build begin to fade away. I was a part of the “NFL – No Friends Left”, always careful to never talk to friends and family about my “business”.  All that my hard effort had earned me was rejection, apathy, and debt.

Despite the losses that I sustained during this time, something magical was happening. At each convention, there were at least one or two personal development speakers. Jim Rohn, Les Brown, John Maxwell, Tony Robbins and many more. I could feel my personal confidence growing as I listened to them. I knew in my heart that I could do anything, even overcome this burnout I was going through. So I went to other personal development events, met new people, and even began marketing personal development courses and events held all over the world.

My husband and I began buying real estate investment properties and making more money than we ever had. I was able to quit teaching, and I got to experience the thrill of traveling. It was one of the highest points of my life. Then the real estate market crashed, and the effect on us was catastrophic. My personal development business was no longer viable. We were not able to pay all the mortgages, and my husband’s business declined too. Looking back, I wish that we had done things differently, rather than flamboyantly investing ourselves entirely in real estate.

It took a bit of floundering to recover, but when I did, I reflected on the various struggles that I had gone through in life. I knew what my mission truly was. I wanted to empower others to create and live their ideal life. By synthesizing my history as a teacher, my passion for business, and drawing inspiration from my own struggles, I knew I wanted to help others who had a desire for business learn and avoid the various pitfalls I had encountered along the way.

And that’s how I found my purpose. Now, I am in control, healthy, and have finally designed a life that, up until now, I had only envisioned. Now I want to share that rich and fulfilling life with you. I’ve known the pain and discouragement of burnout, of throwing everything you have into your business and having nothing to show for it. That’s why I’m dedicated to providing the resources for you to attract more customers and recruit more business associates. I know what it’s like to be stuck. Worse, I know what it’s like to feel alone in it. Now, I want to help you, when you feel stuck and alone in the unpredictable and often tumultuous business field.

I love helping people who have traveled a similar journey, people who are struggling, or who just want to create a different life and don’t know how. I’ve been through it myself. Now let me walk through it with you.

To connect with Me or another team member about anything, go to "Work with Us" on this website. I’m always happy to answer any questions you may have.

 Before You Begin . . .

Since this page is for Melaleuca, The Wellness Company, customers only, log into your website before you begin.  Most of the links will only work if you are logged into your Melaleuca account. 

If you do not have a Melaleuca account, you can request the information by putting your contact information below or contact whoever gave you this web information.  If you ended up here by accident, click on this link and make your request.

Preferred customers who shop monthly will find this site to be something new.  We are working hard to provide you with information that will be helpful.  Please let your enroller in Melaleuca know what else would be helpful.

Haven't shopped for a while?  No problem.  You are most likely a regular Melaleuca customer and all you need to do is log in to  If you have forgotten your password, simply click on "Forgot Password" and create a new one.  You can activate your preferred customer account, shop as a regular customer and pay retail, or just look at the website.